“Greed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
This is a famous line from the 1980’s movie Wall Street, with Michael Douglas. I often write about the greed of the wealthy and powerful in our government and the control wealth has over keeping that power, but this post is about how greed is in all of us and how it influences our views.
The other morning, I heard Trump say, “Scientists have a political agenda,” as he spoke about his denial of climate change. The first thought that popped into my head was, Trump’s political agenda is greed. Later in the day, he changed his statement, as he often does when push comes to shove. His initial statement got me thinking about what the political agenda could be for the scientists who are warning about our use of fossil fuels and their effects on the climate. If Trump’s agenda is greed, and I can point to many factors besides this one that inform my opinion about that, could the scientists also have greed as a motivation? My conclusion is yes, they could.
Trump denies climate science and promotes the use of fossil fuels to gain votes from the coal mining workforce, and campaign contributions from the owners of the coal mines. He seeks votes in the oil industry from every worker, campaign contributions from the industry, and support all the way up to the leaders of Arab countries. His personal business benefits from his climate change denials, as well.
He has argued, in the past, that his company could be hurt by climate change if not allowed to build – you guessed it – a wall. This time it was a seawall to protect his golf course. To non-supporters and anyone with integrity, this makes him hypocritical, misleading, deceitful, dishonest, and untrustworthy. With much more wealth on the line than can be provided from one golf course, he has chosen the side of climate change denial. He consistently sides with whatever will get him ahead in each transaction or issue.
His type of greed and that of his wealthy supporters cannot admit climate change is real and that humans are causing it without sounding immoral in their support of fossil fuels. They have to deny the legitimacy of the science because if they did not, people whose finances do not depend on the fossil fuel industry would have no reason to support this part of his agenda. In order to persuade someone who has no financial dog in the fight, you have to give them a reason to ignore your vicious dog. To keep us from looking at their financial motives, they act as if it’s about the financial plight of those who would lose their jobs if we switched from fossil fuels to renewables without helping the industry make the switch on their own. I am not discounting the fear of folks in the industry. If I worked in the industry, I would be afraid. If I worked in the industry, I would want my employer to spend money on retraining me for jobs in renewables. Most Americans support tax incentives to help the industry make the changes. So, why don’t they just make the switch on their own? It is because they already get tax incentives and subsidies for doing nothing, so why should they bother? I’m betting it is far cheaper to deny climate change and keep things the way they are than to change within their field. Especially when other companies have sprung up to compete with them. It is cheaper and easier to squash their efforts, politically. So, they deny the science.
If one’s agenda is preserving their wealth at any cost, they would grasp at any straw, including pre-historic climate changes, to seem credible as they deny the science that says humans are causing it at an alarming rate. If one is wealthy enough to survive without a job, that person has a lot of power and a lot of political influence. That person’s agenda of greed can cause them to ignore the plight of those who will eventually lose their jobs. In their mind, it’s just business. They may think it is a horrible aspect of doing business, but a necessary part of doing business.
The scientists have an agenda of greed, too. They want to live. They want their children and grandchildren to live. They want all humans to go on living They are greedy for life. Life, as we know it, will not continue on this planet if we do not change the way we supply our energy needs. It might take more than my remaining lifetime to see the devastation, but I doubt it will take more than my son’s remaining lifetime. It certainly won’t take more than our grandchildren’s remaining lifetime. We are already starting to see the effects; effects that have not reached our homes yet, but that will. Greed is an intense and selfish desire for something. As the mom of a man with disabilities, I share the scientist’s agenda of greed. I am greedy for the preservation of my son’s life, his climate security, funding for his needs and the needs of his community, understanding and acceptance of him, and I am greedy for his rights as a human being. I am greedy for the rights of every human being. It is selfish because when everyone else has what they need and desire, then I do, too. The word everyone leaves no one out.
Greed that includes the prosperity and saves the jobs of everyone is good. Greed for the health of planet earth is good. Greed that promotes survival is good. Greed for life is good. One might even say it is Pro-life. The selfish greed that does not include prosperity and job protection for everyone, and that does not preserve the life of the planet and its inhabitants, one might call that ignorance.
All political parties have an agenda of greed. All scientists have an agenda of greed. Sometimes the personal greed mixes with the political greed in good ways, sometimes it mixes in bad ways. We all see issues through our own personal agenda of greed. It is our job to figure out what makes up our own personal greed, notice if that aligns with our moral values, witness how that influences our political views, and hold our politicians accountable for the ways their actions are influenced by their personal greed.
Take care, Friends!
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