Our Dearest Beloved,
Help us to surrender our hearts to Your will, whatever the outcome of this election may be. Help us to remember that Your will has been done, even though we may not understand the reason. It will be a challenge for many of us to accept this outcome, Dear Lord, but please help us to accept it; for with acceptance comes the loving warmth of Your peace.
Help us to heal our hearts towards these two candidates and towards each other. Help us to forgive the pain we have caused each other over this election. Help us to be kind to each other moving forward. Help us to remember that we love one another.
Help us to understand our fears and to overcome them so that we may know
Help us to remember that You are in charge.
Help us to know ourselves as You know us. Show us our errors in thinking and belief so that we may be humble in making the most loving choices, moving forward, through You rather than through our egos. Help us to remember that when we align with You and Your Love, Your power gives us the strength to move mountains.
Help us to define ourselves rather than defining each other, Dear God. In doing so, may we gain insight into things we do not understand and to see the beauty in each other’s hearts. Help us to remember that people with whom we disagree are not stupid or evil and that they are more than their political beliefs; they are Americans, flawed and imperfect, but fully connected to You.
When we forget these things, help us to see one another and our new president as You see us - not as caricatures, but as Your beloved. Remind us that we all want the same things - ultimately - a peaceful, loving America and a peaceful, loving world; we want to prosper and we want security.
And finally, help us work together to find solutions and compromises to benefit all of Your children.
Please help us to achieve these goals, Oh Lord!
When we forget these things, help us to see one another and our new president as You see us - not as caricatures, but as Your beloved. Remind us that we all want the same things - ultimately - a peaceful, loving America and a peaceful, loving world; we want to prosper and we want security.
And finally, help us work together to find solutions and compromises to benefit all of Your children.
Please help us to achieve these goals, Oh Lord!
We thank you, Dear God, for Your help and for watching over us in our times of turmoil. We thank you for the lessons we learn and for the opening of our hearts and minds. We thank you for the times of prosperity and joy. Our human words can never express our gratitude for Your creation. Let us simply show our gratitude by loving You and each other as we serve Your will.
Hear our prayer, Dearest Beloved, in the name of everlasting Peace and Freedom,
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